Revelations 21:5 The One who sat on the throne said: “Behold, I make all things new.”

Saint of the Month:
Saint Catherine of Siena
John 14:18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

Saint of the Month:
Saint Peter
Matthew 28:6 He is not here, for He has been raised just as He said.

Saint of the Month:
Saint Brigid of Ireland
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life.

Saint of the Month:
Saint Paul
Who was Saint Paul?
O Holy Night
Giving Back to God
The Birth of Jesus
Kindness Boomerang
Are you OK?
Stand in the Rain
Luke 1:38 Mary said; “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her.

Saint of the Month:
Saint Nicholas
Who was Saint Nicholas
Let All Mortal Flesh
Advent is more than a Chocolate Calendar
Advent Primer
Mary did you know
In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe. Psalm 4:8

Saint of the Month:
Biblical Patriarchs
Who were the Biblical Patriarchs?
For King and Country – Amen (Reborn)
How to Evangelize with Food
Giving Thanks is Necessary
For King and Country – Love Me Like I Am
I will proclaim the LORD’s decree: He said to me, “You are my son; today I have become your father.” Psalm 2:7

Saint of the Month:
Saint Francis of Assisi
Bible Quote of the Month:
“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” Psalm 94:19

Saint of the Month:
Saint John Paul II, click below for videos about this saint.
Family of Faith from Sophia Institute

Family of Faith Volume I: The Profession of Faith
Families learn this year about events that took place thousands of years ago. But the story of salvation history is not just in the past: it continues to take place in our lives in a deeply personal way. In the beginning, God created the universe out of nothing, and God continues to create throughout all ages each and every time a human person is conceived. And just as God spoke to our fathers in faith and showed them His plan of salvation, God still speaks to us and calls us to become part of the story of His saving love. These are not distant events to be memorized, but rather life-giving truths to be lived each day. God has called us each by name—this is the story of salvation history. This is our story!
Family Registration Form
Saint Jude (and other guest parishioners)
Faith Formation Program: Grades K-12
Saint Julia / Saint Andrew / Saint Paul / Sacred Heart
and other parishes: Grades 6-12
Legal Stuff – Flocknote and Church Permissions
These are the specific questions asked when registering on Flocknote.
This authorization form shall serve as parental permission for the use of name, likeness, photographic, and/or video image of a child/youth where such permission is required. I grant permission to Saint Jude to use my child’s/youth’s information via the Flocknote Form.
I may also grant permission to Saint Jude to use my child’s/youth’s name (as selected above), likeness, photographic, and/or video image in the production of the select media/programs.
I understand that if, for whatever reason, at any point in time, I decide to revoke this agreement, and I so notify Saint Jude Parish in writing, all references to my child/youth (i.e.: name, likeness, photographic, and/or video image) will no longer be used. I understand that web page references and web page photographic images will be removed within thirty (30) days of the written notification. I understand that St. Jude Parish is not responsible for access to the internet information or downloads made by users using the web prior to this removal of web references (i.e.: name, likeness, photographic, and/or video image). I further understand that my child’s/youth’s name, likeness, photographic, and/or video image may continue to be used in any publications already printed or published prior to my revocation of consent provided herein. I also understand that adult supervisors, coaches and/or activities sponsors may take photographic or video images of my child/youth during athletic, and/or program or extracurricular activities, for purposes of newsworthiness, post-secondary athletic or academic grants or scholarships, and for which I provide my consent. I understand that no financial or other compensation will be paid for any photo, video or work product used. Additionally, other parents, adults, and third parties may attend and take photographs and/or video of public events and activities. Finally, I understand that such parties are not within the control of St. Jude Parish to direct or limit the use of any photographic or video image taken or obtained by them which may include images of my child/youth.
Other Sacraments
We celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation each year with our bishop. We are inviting young people in grades 9 and up to consider getting confirmed.
We love celebrating the love between two people! Contact us to learn more about how the church supports strong and healthy marriages.
Children in third grade and up are prepared for First Holy Communion. Any child in requesting first communion can be added to our preparation classes throughout the year.